Wednesday 1 June 2011

Its just a question of perception

Spent past 3yrs years feeling bad abt things i missed out...things that cudve been but finally i realised if i didnt cme here i wudve missed out on smthing more important :) I wouldn't go to the extent of saying that i love Delhi but now when i think back about how much this place gave me...well i could say that its not that bad finally! 

We spend so much time thinking about what life could've been that we end up missing out on the present! It does sound lame at times to say that i accept things the way they are...sounds very laid back but at times sitting back and appreciating what has already been decided for you is the right thing to do. But just stagnating on the negative points we just tend to make things worse...things can always get better and there is something positive even in the worst situations!

One of my closest friends wrote a status recently:
"Some1 asked me the other day if my glass ws half empty or half full. I ws going to say it's empty, but that's not completely true. My life isn't void and I hve my happy moments; bt they usually just seem to disappear.So,my glass is cracked.Yes,cracked. It gets filled up with happiness and hope, but it always ends up escaping my grasp. It alwys ends up emptying out. It will never b full becoz it's always leaking"

I just want to tell her that u still have a glass! And even if its never'l never be empty either! :)

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